
《奇异人生2(Life is Strange 2)》-火种游戏
《巴别号漫游指南(A Guidebook of Babel)》-火种游戏
《浣熊硬探:文物版(Backbone Artifact Edition)》-火种游戏
《玩具熊的五夜后宫:六部曲合集(Five Nights At Freddy's Collection of Six Episodes)》-火种游戏
《玩具熊的五夜后宫:安全漏洞(Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach)》-火种游戏
《蝙蝠侠:故事版(Batman The Telltale Series)》-火种游戏
《蝙蝠侠:内战(Batman The Enemy Within Episode 1 To 5)》-火种游戏
《不要喂食猴子(Do Not Feed the Monkeys)》-火种游戏
《冒险者阿曼达(Amanda the Adventurer)》-火种游戏
《大逆转裁判:编年史(The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles)》-火种游戏
《逆转裁判123:成步堂 精选集(Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy)》-火种游戏
《药剂工艺:炼金术士模拟器(Potion Craft Alchemist Simulator)》-火种游戏
《达芬奇密室(The House of Da Vinci)》-火种游戏
《达芬奇密室2(The House of Da Vinci 2)》-火种游戏
《邻居地狱:归来/整蛊邻居:归来(Neighbours back From Hell)》-火种游戏
《行尸走肉:终极系列合集(The Walking Dead: The Final Season)》-火种游戏
《沙皮克:月球探索(Shapik: The Moon Quest)》-火种游戏