类 Rogue

《诅咒高尔夫(Cursed to Golf)》-火种游戏
《横跨方尖碑(Across the Obelisk)》联机版-火种游戏
《背包英雄(Backpack Hero)》-火种游戏
《常世之塔(TOKOYO: The Tower of Perpetuity)》-火种游戏
《尼罗河勇士2(Warriors of the Nile 2)》-火种游戏
《龙女:烈焰之令(The Dragoness: Command the Flame)》-火种游戏
《血染小镇(Paint the Town Red)》单机版/联机版-火种游戏
《再刷一层2(One More Dungeon 2)》-火种游戏
《铲子骑士:挖掘(Shovel Knight Dig)》-火种游戏
《暗黑蛊国(Dark ill)》-火种游戏
《暗黑地牢2(Darkest Dungeon II)》-火种游戏
《暴君的游戏(Despot’s Game)》-火种游戏
《节奏地牢(Crypt of the NecroDancer)》-火种游戏
《虚空穹牢(Vault of the Void)》-火种游戏
《巫师之子(Son of a Witch)》联机版-火种游戏
《她的名字叫火(Her Name Was Fire)》-火种游戏
《柯尔特峡谷(Colt Canyon)》本地联机版-火种游戏
《一门之隔(One More Gate: A Wakfu Legend)》-火种游戏
《劫掠之河(Loot River)》-火种游戏
《污痕圣杯(Tainted Grail: Conquest)》-火种游戏