
《要战便战(Diplomacy is Not an Option)》-火种游戏
《单刷传说(Sole Saga)》-火种游戏
《莱莎的炼金工房3 ~终结之炼金术士与秘密钥匙~(Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key)》-火种游戏
《招募与冒险(Recruit And Adventure)》-火种游戏
《妖精剑士F:邪神降临(Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force)》-火种游戏
《妖精剑士F:反思和弦(Fairy Fencer F Refrain Chord)》-火种游戏
《蛇上而生(Above Snakes)》-火种游戏
《桥梁建筑师3(Poly Bridge 3)》-火种游戏
《欺骗公司(Deceive Inc)》联机版-火种游戏
《玉响未来(Tamayura Mirai)》-火种游戏
《冒险者阿曼达(Amanda the Adventurer)》-火种游戏
《厨师生涯:餐厅模拟器(Chef Life: A Restaurant Simulator)》-火种游戏
《冰封之焰(Frozen Flame)》单机版/联机版-火种游戏
《NTR幻想之我的藤木同学(Getting Freaky With Fujiki)》-火种游戏
《鬼灭之刃 火神血风谭(Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba)》模拟器版-火种游戏
《被诅咒的宝藏2 终极版(Cursed Treasure 2 Ultimate Edition Tower Defense)》-火种游戏