
《蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆骑士(Batman: Arkham Knight)》-火种游戏
《缠结塔(Tangle Tower)》-火种游戏
《黑暗侦探:阴影中的摸索(The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark)》-火种游戏
《福尔摩斯:罪与罚(Sherlock Holmes:Crime and Punishment)》-火种游戏
《大逆转裁判:编年史(The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles)》-火种游戏
《夜书(Night Book)》-火种游戏
《疯狂实验:密室逃脱(Mad Exp: Escape Room)》-火种游戏
《距离8点还有3分钟(Three Minutes to Eight)》-火种游戏
《逆转裁判123:成步堂 精选集(Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy)》-火种游戏
《女神异闻录4:黄金版(Persona 4: Gold Edition)》-火种游戏
《奇异园艺(Strange Horticulture)》-火种游戏
《春逝百年抄(The Centennial Case A Shijima Story)》-火种游戏
《罪城骇客(Song of Farca)》-火种游戏
《观察者:系统还原(Observer: System Redux)》豪华版-火种游戏
《AI梦境档案 涅槃肇始(AI The Somnium Files 2)》-火种游戏
《警情,消防,急救模拟器(Flashing Lights - Police, Firefighting, Emergency Services Simulator)》-火种游戏
《蝙蝠侠:阿甘之城(Batman Arkham City Game of the Year Edition)》-火种游戏